
Investment Portfolio

Investment portfolio – your financial products basket

An investment portfolio is like a shopping cart that collects products in a supermarket chain. You can pick from a wide range of financial products. Those with money to invest should contact an investment house to obtain advice and benefit from professional management services. It’s the only way you can guarantee that you’ll maximize the potential of your investment. Many clients in both the business and private sectors in hi-tech, Internet, industry and more have realized a long time ago how advantageous it is to contact professional investment managers to manage their money.

Your valuable investment portfolio

If you’re hesitating between different investment houses, here’s a tip that may change your outlook (and those of many others) about one of the most important aspects in life in general and in finances in particular. Proxima Investments Management puts at your disposal and service our knowledge, professionalism, expertise, excellent reputation and experience managing investment portfolios. Naturally, just like every person is different, each portfolio is also different. If you value your money (which we’re sure you do), you’ll want to put its management in the capable hands of those for whom investments are their way of life.

Solid or daring investment portfolio

The bottom line is that portfolio management is primarily the management of the interface between risk and opportunity. The clients decide the level of risk they want to take, and Proxima’s experts create the perfect mix based on their requirements. Our personal touch stems from our belief that the client is our company’s most valuable asset and thus we put our knowledge, tools, methods and technologies to work to maximize our clients’ profits.

Transparent and inclusive management

The natural and inherent sensitivity of each individual to their money demands that an investment company works not only professionally (an essential and basic condition for retaining its service), but also transparently, objectively, flexibility, and creatively, always maintaining constant contact with the client.
Proxima puts at the disposal of each of its clients a service representative that knows you and your portfolio very well. There is no doubt that this is your most valuable asset. You let other professionals touch it and even define some of its mix, but at the end of the day it’s your money that is managed for you by people who are absolutely and fully committed to you.

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Financial Dictionary

א’ אג”ח- Bond איגרת חוב הינה מכשיר פיננסי המהווה תעודת התחייבות, בה מנפיק האיגרת מקבל תמורה כספית מרוכש האיגרת והוא מתחייב לשלם תשלומים וריבית בסכומים

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